
The aim of the project is to increase the efficiency of forestry and reduce greenhouse gas emissions for all participating market participants – forest owners, timber buyers and service providers by creating a two-way communication module of the data circulation platform of timber forestry production machines for the implementation of the Deforestation regulation and the innovation of forest sector resource flow management in Latvia with information and communication technologies using the StanFordD2010 standard.

Project lead partner: Ltd. “Latvijas Kokmateriālu uzmērīšanas un uzskaites vadība”

Cooperation partners: Ltd. “Koksnes plūsmas datu centrs”, Ltd. “Forest and wood products research and development institute”, Ltd. “SCA Latvijas Meži” un Latvian Forest Owners’ Association

The project implementation period is from August 2024 to December 2026. Total funding – 298,864.15 EUR, incl. EU co-financing 74% – 221,159.48 EUR.

The project implementation period is from January 2019 to December 2022. Total funding – 499,640.00 EUR, total maximum co-financing from EU funds 90%.


More information about European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development could be found on the website of European Commission.